Spam Musubi

Musubi, a portable bundle of rice topped with fried SPAM and wrapped in nori. Sounds delicious, no?


  • 1 can of Spam
  • 1/4 cup Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 cup Mirin
  • 1/4 Sugar
  • Seaweed

Cut spam into 8 slices.

Mix the soy sauce, mirin and sugar together.

Fry the spam on both sides.

Brush on sauce on both sides of the spam. Remove from heat.

Using the cleaned spam container, line it with plastic wrap. Add cooked rice to the bottom the the plastic wrap covered contrainer.

Add the cooked meat on top of the rice. Push down on the wrap to mold the ingredients into the container. Then pull out the plastic wrap to see with shape of the musubi transform.

Place the musubi on top of the seaweed sheet that has been cut into 1/3. Place the shiny side down and wrap around the rice and spam.

Enjoy the musubi!

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